If you wish to apply for Temporary or Permanent Residence in Canada, it can be devastating to learn that you are considered inadmissible or that your application was refused.
There are many reasons why a person may be considered inadmissible to Canada. A person may be considered inadmissible to Canada:
For criminal convictions inside or outside Canada;
For medical inadmissibility;
For security reasons;
For financial reasons;
If your application has been refused or denied;
Depending on the crime, how long ago it was and how you have behaved since, you may still be allowed to come to Canada.
How we can help you overcome your inadmissibility to Canada:
Submit an application for Criminal Rehabilitation;
Submit Application for Reconsideration or an Appeal or,
Submit an application for a Temporary Resident Permit, to overcome your inadmissibility.
We can assist you in navigating the path towards a remedy for refusal by aggressively representing your case to ensure that your refusal or inadmissibility is met with a positive solution.